PRP Hair Restoration

prp hair restoration tucson

Non Surgical Procedures

PRP Hair Restoration

For many people, hair loss can trigger a wide range of negative emotions, because our hair is one of the first physical characteristics we tend to notice. A full head of healthy hair is a desirable trait for anyone, so it’s no surprise that there are many different hair loss treatments out there to address baldness and thinning hair. PRP hair restoration uses the body’s own cells to stimulate follicle growth and help restore volume in thinning hair.


PRP, or platelet rich plasma, is a solution that is derived from a patient’s own blood that is rich in growth factors. It can be used in a wide range of restorative treatments. However, one of the most common is treatment of hair loss. And, unlike other hair restoration treatments, the efficacy of PRP is scientifically backed by multiple independent studies.

How It Works

With PRP hair restoration, a patient’s blood is drawn and then put into a centrifuge to isolate the platelet rich plasma. This is then injected into the scalp at the level of the hair follicles with half-inch spacing throughout the thinning area of the scalp. PRP will trigger growth in the follicles, resulting in thicker hair with more natural growth in the treated areas.

What We Love About It

PRP hair restoration provides a much less invasive treatment option for hair growth than hair transplant procedures. Plus, it does not require the use of medications to trigger hair growth with many possible side effects. It uses the body’s own resources to prompt hair growth, so it is easier on patients and offers the most natural possible results.

What to Expect

Treatment itself will last about 30 minutes per session. It will be mostly painless with only minor discomfort during the blood draw and injection of plasma across the scalp. Patient sensitivity can vary, but treatment generally takes place without any topical numbing or anesthetic.

You won’t see results right away, and in fact, it can take up to three months to see a substantial increase in hair growth across the treated areas.

Possible Side Effects

There’s minimal downtime associated with PRP hair restoration, but there may be some tenderness and bruising in the scalp. Ice packs and over-the-counter pain medication can relieve any pain that occurs following your treatment. Risks are low overall, and treatment can generally be performed on anyone experiencing some degree of hair loss.

Questions and Answers

Most patients report very minimal discomfort during treatment. There may be some delayed pain and swelling, but these symptoms are easily managed with at-home care.

PRP hair restoration is appropriate for most types of hair loss, but the results will be most effective in cases of early thinning in the scalp. With men, this tends to mean a receding hairline and a bald patch in the back of the head. Women may see more widespread thinning with a larger gap developing along the part.

To see continued results, PRP hair restoration will require between 4-6 initial treatments followed by maintenance treatments every 3-6 months. At first, you will want to see your hair restoration specialist for treatment once every 4-6 weeks for the core set of treatments. After that, you should schedule subsequent appointments at intervals of 3-6 months, depending on your doctor’s recommendations.

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