PiQo4 for Tattoo Removal Tucson

piqo4 Tattoo Removal Tucson

We’re the first to bring you this breakthrough technology for the most powerful pigment and tattoo removal Tucson solution available today

47% of American adults have a tattoo and 23% regret that choice. Do you want to undo the past with Tattoo Removal Tucson?

piqo4 Tattoo Removal Tucson



What is PiQo4?

Individual results may vary. Call Perfection Plastic Surgery and Skin Care for Tattoo Removal Tucson trusts.

PiQo4TM combines two cutting-edge technologies to clear more pigment color in a much faster treatment. Targeting large and small tattoo particles simultaneously through adjustable penetration depths, and various wavelengths, PiQo4 laser technology clears organic, amateur, and professional color with less ghosting and without harming surrounding skin.

How PiQo4 works

PiQo4TM is a powerful and versatile system for the effective treatment of a wide range of skin pigmentation problems – from pigmented lesions such as birthmarks and lentigines, through vascular lesions, to tattoos in a variety of colors. Its versatile energy matrix, along with the large spot size, ensures effective shattering of pigment deposits with faster, more efficient treatment times. Featuring unsurpassed versatility, PiQo4 is ideally suited for treating not only tattoo removal, but also for general skin pigmentation including toning through treatment of pigmented lesions, resurfacing and whitening.

Clinical studies have shown that the optimal method for shattering pigment particles is to treat them with both Nano and Picosecond laser pulses. PiQo4 uses PICO & NANO, high energy, deep reach and 4 wavelengths to shatter pigment.

What we love about it

PiQo4TM has high power output and the largest spot size on the market, which can effectively reach deep pigments in both new and old tattoos. It’s the most powerful advanced laser technology for Tattoo Removal Tucson and pigmentation removal. We are the first to bring this technology into the local market.

What to expect

Location matters: The closer the tattoo is to the heart the better circulation, therefore better results. More colorful tattoos and greater surface area usually require more treatments. Amateur tattoos are typically not as deep as professional ones, and are easier to remove. Immediately after treatment, you will see a whitish “frosting” over the tattoo. The skin will often swell in the area of the tattoo, accompanied by mild redness. The frosting, swelling and redness will resolve in a matter of hours. The tattoo may crust or blister as the body repairs itself. This will resolve naturally. The tattoo will fade gradually in the following weeks as your body clears the ink.

How many treatments?

The number of treatments needed depend on the tattoo itself, the area of the body and the background skin color. A treatment series can range from 2 sessions, up to 10 sessions, and are conducted 6-8 weeks apart.

Possible side effects

Persons known to form skin keloids may be more prone to scarring after any skin trauma, including laser administration to the skin. Persons with dark skin may be at increased risk of hypopigmentation. Hypo and hyper-pigmentation are a common risk of treatment. Treatment of lesions or treatment near lesions that are known to be or suspected of being cancerous are contraindicated. Any treatment around the eyes is contraindicated due to the risk of laser light induced eye injury.

Immediately after administration of the laser energy to the skin, purpura, erythema, and slight edema may be visible. The patient may experience pruritus and a sunburnlike sensation. Possible long-term potential adverse effects include hypo-or hyper-pigmentation, skin texture change, and scarring, although these effects rarely are manifested.

What others are saying

I saw the before and afters on other procedures and so much dye is left behind. With this laser, I’m amazed that there’s alomost no trace of my original tattoo.

Target Area

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pico Sidebar

Questions and Answers

During your Tattoo Removal Tucson session, you will hear the laser fire as loud, audible popping sounds, then feel heat over the general area of the skin. The treated area will feel as if it were sunburned.

As a non-surgical procedure, you can return to normal activities after your treatment; no downtime required.
If you have sun spots, hyper pigmentation, or tattoo ink that disrupt your appearance, schedule a consultation to see if PiQo4 is the revolutionary solution for you.
Older laser systems required about twice as many treatments with lesser results.

Before and After

Individual results may vary. Call Perfection Plastic Surgery and Skin Care for Tattoo Removal Tucson trusts.

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