Perfection plastic surgery
Aging of the face is inevitable. Over time the skin begins to loosen on the face and neck, crow’s feet appear at the corners of the eyes, fine forehead lines become creases and then, gradually, deeper folds. The jawline softens into jowls, and beneath the chin, another chin or vertical folds appear at the front of the neck.
Heredity, personal habits, the pull of gravity, and sun exposure contribute to the aging of the face.
Choosing to have plastic surgery is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and sagging caused by aging. The surgery varies in range from minimally invasive ‘lunchtime lifts’ to more extensive, sophisticated surgery. A facelift removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and muscle and redrapes skin on the face and neck. It can correct midface sagging, marionette lines, jowls and a double chin, maintaining its reputation as the ‘gold standard’ for facial rejuvenation.
Every year, thousands of people undergo successful perfection plastic surgery and are pleased with the results.