Tattoo Removal

Is Your Tattoo Regret Sucking Your Life?

Your body is like a canvas, it bears the natural born marks of your growth as you reach into adulthood from childhood that begin littering our bodies, but many Americans also choose the intricate art of the tattoo to express their stories.

Whether it be artistic expression, spiritual recognition, feeling attractive and sexy or just plain rebelliousness, there are a number of reasons that can influence a person’s decision to seek Tucson tattoo removal. Most of the Americans seem to have a greater predilection for getting tattooed, but at the same time, many of them are suffering from ‘Tattoo Remorse’. Because tattoos are a lifelong fixture, created with enduring ink that is placed underneath the skin.

As we all know the young woman become mothers, people experience changes in their work status, or just a matter of maturity. Therefore, tattoo removal is on the rise, people seem to be having the hardest time with their ink and are spending dollars to clean up their skin. But with the advancements in skin care technology, thanks to the laser treatment called PicoSure® because of which, blasting away the ink is becoming simple and easy.

What is PicoSure®?

This is the rapid energy laser tattoo removal procedure that allows you to remove your ink without the heat. PicoSure® is the world’s only picosecond laser, effective for Skin revitalization, Tattoo removal, Acne scar removal. This procedure is FDA approved, non-surgical, non-invasive laser skin treatment, specially designed for people seeking a younger appearance. With the help of this laser treatment, you can treat various areas of your body comprising face, hands, chest, legs, and more.

In PicoSure®, targeted ink is shattered within the skin, depending upon the size of the tattoo, removed from the body naturally in just 4-5 treatments.




Most of the Tucson tattoo removal experts heard almost the same questions from every client about tattoo removal such as:

  • Will my tattoo be removed?
  • Is it dangerous to remove tattoos by laser?
  • Which laser will be used for tattoo removal?
  • Will the removal procedure scar the skin?
  • In how many sessions my tattoo will be removed?
  • What will be the possible side effects?
  • Is the laser treatment painful?
  • What will be the cost of each tattoo removal session?

Most of the couples suffer through a painful permanent reminder of their lost love after having the gorgeous artwork. If you are also riding in the same boat, schedule a consultation with Dr Peter Kay at Perfection Plastic Surgery and Skin Care and get rid from your biggest regret.